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How to Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at

How to Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand

Thanksgiving is an American holiday; thus they do not celebrate it in New Zealand. But, you can’t pass up the big day without some sort of celebration! So even though we are thousands of miles from United States’ soil, we still managed to gather with friends and have good food. We decided to celebrate it a bit early because we have a crazy busy life with preparing to move and travel the world! This is how to celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand…


Thanksgiving is a holiday that celebrates relationships, food, and gratitude. It really isn’t the same if you don’t spend it with friends or family. Relationships are what enrich your experiences on earth and what bond you to others. We have made some really great friends while living in New Zealand. We have a close connection with one couple in particular because the wife is American and the husband is just cool. And he’s a butcher so he makes the best meat! Win win ;) We have spent two Thanksgivings in New Zealand and they both been spent with them and we wouldn’t have it any other way. The company and conversation is always great and uplifting and we all enjoy being together. With our little family and our friends, it makes for a great day!

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at


To celebrate Thanksgiving properly, you must have good food. And not just any food, but good traditional Thanksgiving food. But here’s the thing. In New Zealand they have turkeys to purchase. But they are expensive! And we can’t justify spending that much money on a bird. So, since our friend is a butcher, he prepares the tastiest roasted chicken you ever did eat! And we are a-ok with that new tradition! A bird’s a bird, right?! Also on the menu:

This list kinda sounds boring and like a generic Thanksgiving meal, but let me tell you, it is not! This food is all completely made from scratch and is so delicious! The things about celebrating Thanksgiving in another country is that you don’t have access to the normal American ingredients. It really is fun to create a yummy meal and be able to enjoy it altogether.

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand with the Transparent Travelers at


This time of year causes you to pause and reflect your blessings. We love that we have the tradition to be grateful for what we have. It makes you dig deep and see what you’ve been blessed with and how you can give back.

Even though we weren’t in the United States to celebrate this wonderful holiday, we still counted our blessings, ate delicious food, and enjoyed our friends. We are so grateful to be able to live in this beautiful country and to learn from the good people here.

Thorn: We really miss being with our family during the holidays!

Rose: We have good friends to share our traditions with and ate a really really tasty meal!

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