All About Us- The Transparent Travelers

All About Us- The Transparent Travelers

We are the Transparent Travelers and we are about to embark on a world journey! We are an American family of 6 that have been living in New Zealand for the past 2 years. We loved living abroad so much that we decided to explore the world more together! We want to tell you all about us- the Transparent Travelers!

Meet Cody (39). He's the father of our family. He absolutely loves mountain biking and droning! The camera and drone come with us everywhere! He especially loves landscape photography and you can find more of his work here and here. He is a hard worker, dreamer, and achiever. As soon as we decided we wanted to travel, he got right to work looking for a job that would allow us to do so. And boom...he did. He works 100% remotely for a power utility company as an IT Solution Analyst. He has a sense of adventure and is always looking for a new experience to enjoy. It's a good thing he married JoEllen to ground him because otherwise he would always be on the go looking for the next adventure.

Meet JoEllen (33). She is the mother of the clan. She's always making sure everyone is taken care of, happy, and well fed. You can often find her in the kitchen whipping up something delicious because she is a great cook! When she's not busy with her mother duties, you can find her working on her Maskcara business and iamjoellen brand. She absolutely loves to create, whether that's cooking, photography, modeling, graphic design, blogging, or any of type of creative outlet. She is responsible, consistent, and organized and sometimes that is her weakness since she needs to keep up with Cody's spontaneity and fun.

Meet Ethan (12). He is one bright cookie and loves to read and learn! He loves to read so much that he forgets to come up to take a breath! He also loves playing soccer. Ethan is dependable, responsible, and a hard worker. It has been painful for him to be living in New Zealand and traveling without having a pet because he absolutely loves animals! When he grows up, he wants to be a biologist, specializing in animals.

Meet Gavin (10). He adds the spice to our family and is quite the crack up! He loves coding, Pokemon, and any sport. While living in New Zealand, he tried all the different sports: field hockey, rugby, cricket, and soccer. He was also a House Captain at his school and is very social. He would much rather be doing something fun than sitting down and learning. When he grows up he wants to be a millionaire.

Meet Trevor (7). He is studious and serious. He has the squishiest and most kissable cheeks! Trevor is an awesome basketball player. There's always something he wants to search google for because he is so inquisitive and has a thirst for knowledge. He loves playing board games and often beats the whole family and gets quite frustrated when he doesn't. When he grows up he wants to be a geologist.

Meet Reese (5). She is our little ray of sunshine and brings so much joy to our family! She is sweet, kind, and complimentary. Everyone that meets her loves her.....and we're totally being serious. She loves anything girly from pink to sparkles to rainbows to baby fluffy animals. She's also a little pack rat so minimalist traveling is going to be hard for her =) When she grows up she wants to be a mom that takes her kids to school.
And that's us! The Transparent Travelers. We call ourselves the Transparent Travelers because we want to share the realness behind traveling. We want to share the thorns and roses, the ups and downs. We will be transparent with our experiences and let you know how we make it work for our family. Please follow along on our journey as we travel the world!